Winter at Tom's cabin. Beautiful. A lot happened since my last post. R.I.P. Bob Anderson. Alma moved to Missouri. Snow on the trees. Have a wonderful New Year ahead. God's blessings abound.
Showing posts from 2012
Angel Wings
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Today I missed my Dad. He's been in heaven almost 4 years, but today was his Birthday. He would've been 94. Spent this morning at church. This afternoon boating on a local lake. Dad liked boating... I think he'd have enjoyed the day. Through all this heat we've had clear skies. Today the clouds rolled in. These clouds I photographed reminded me of angel wings.... sort of a "sign" from my Daddy. Thanks Dad, I appreciate your creativity and love. Give your parents a hug if they are still in your life. If they have passed on, give someone else's parents a hug, they will like it, trust me, there are never too many hugs in your life.
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Sometimes we may be influencing others simply by "being". With this in mind.... should you be aware of the effect you have on others? I think this is a consideration. However, I believe we should live our lives as if Someone is watching.... oh, wait.... He is! He watches over us, cares for us, loves us. No matter how we treat Him. Is God in your forefront? or is He in the background? None of us is perfect. God doesn't expect perfection.... just that we do our best, and live in accordance with His love. May God bless you and your circle of life.
Don't Be Prickly
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Sometimes each of us may feel irritated. Or crabby. Or downright "prickly". Life just may seem complicated, or nasty, but becoming angry at those around us, especially those we love, is not the answer. Every one has a bad day. Don't let the day push you around. You are an adult. Take charge and live life to the fullest. Enjoy each day. Wake up and say, "I love you, Life!"..... and mean it!!
Enjoy the Beauty
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These pretty purple flowers are indicative of God's artistic flair. Take time to look around, take a walk, and enjoy our beautiful world. Sometimes the pressures of "have to" items take precedence in our life, but we must remember to be thankful and savor nature's beauty. I pray that your day is blessed with joy, prosperity, and the wonderment of our world.
Sparkplug Speaks
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Sparkplug's boat ride. Ahoy matey! Just thought I'd comment on my first boat ride of the year! Thanks to my human momma, I safely rode with a "borrowed" doggie life jacket! Yep, she made me wear it the whole time, guess 'cause she loves me! I sat up front for most of the trip, with the wind blowing my hair and eyebrows.... wooHoo! what fun! Sat on my Aunti Gerri's lap so I could see better. My Uncle Reece piloted the "ship" (actually, a pontoon boat, but ship sounds better). We saw a few other boats, fishermen, and lots of houses with pretty flowers. Really, all I was interested in was the wind and lake smells in my face... I felt so Freeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Well, gotta go check out the back yard. I think an Easter bunny is tromping on my turf. Woof-Woof!
Dust Off The Webs
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Dusty Web This tattered, dusty web still hung onto the boat dock. It bounced with every wave, and blew around in the wind. But it still remained tightly attached, reminding me that most people have "dust" and debris in their web of life. We all need to take a close look at ourselves and remove the old things, ideas, thoughts, hatred, denial, or whatever may detract from living a full and prosperous life. Are you truly happy with your situation? Sometimes life throws a curve ball, or two (or a dozen!), but being intelligent humans we are expected to cope, and move on. For some this is possible, for others going forward just isn't in their game plan. Personally I have been through some traumatic times. Even though it seems I will never get to a "normal" life, I keep wiggling my "web" and refashioning it. I never take a day for granted, each sunrise I thank God for my blessings, and ask for strength to get moving and remain grateful. People ...
Rusty Old Bolt
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Are you a rusty crusty old bolt like the one shown in this photo? Even though you may feel old and rusty, there is still hope for renewal. If you look really close at this photo, there is a sprig of new grass growing out of it! I found this bolt in the sand by the river. Now, if this old bolt can grow new green, don't you believe there's hope for you? My mother (God rest her soul) always said, "can't never did nothin". So, get rid of the "can't" in you, get out there and DO something productive. I don't care how old and decrepit you feel, there is always something YOU can do. Try praying for someone less fortunate than yourself. This will really give you more energy, and make you feel better. Plus, you may help someone in need. God Bless.
Serene Morning
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This serene scene is from this morning's sunrise over the mighty Mississippi River. Such power to look so peaceful.... boy... it's mind boggling! These two Canadian geese were just swimming around like it was a little pond. They didn't let all the debris from recent rains bother them. There are not only logs, but trees floating down the river. They dodged a few branches and swam peacefully down the shoreline. Maybe we should learn from them: even though there are obstacles, and "logs" in our way.... just move on in an orderly fashion, keep paddling, and eventually everything will work out for the best. Enjoy today. Tomorrow isn't here yet.
Sunset Emotion
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Sunset can evoke many emotions. When trauma and loss have entered your life, sunset often becomes the beginning of a long, emotional night. When a person is happy, and sharing life with another, sunset is a beautiful occasion. But when facing sunset alone, it often brings on panic, and tears. With the next sunset you witness try thinking of others that you know who are facing the sunset and the night alone. Keep them in your prayers. Faith and love will carry you through this tough time. Sunset, darkness and night are only temporary, but can feel like an eternity.
Sit a Spell
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Sitting on a back porch, or a front porch, or any porch at all, and resting your bones, and your brain, can be an exhilarating experience. When is the last time you just sat. Sat and thought. Or, sat and didn't think? Clearing out our gray matter is so important. It allows new material to filter in, new thoughts and ideas. Try it. Soon. You will get a whole other perspective of life. Hopefully a renewed energy for living.
Things Get Sideways in My Brain
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Sideways View Do you ever have those times when things just get kinda "cross-eyed" in your head? It sometimes happens when we least expect it. The day can start out just fine, and before you know it.... everything heads south. Some of the symptoms are: impatience, ill temper, confusion, misunderstandings, or simply "stupid" thoughts. I had one of these kind of days this week. I won't even acknowledge the day it was... that isn't important. What's worthy of noting is that most of a day was "lost" to unintelligible thinking. Now, just to clarify, I had attended the funeral of a man I had known since I was a kid. He lived a full, Christian life, friend to all he met. The eulogy was excellent and fitting. However, my mind chose to dwell on the "death" part of life, instead of the celebration of life itself. In the past few years I have been, unfortunately, widowed... twice. The good fortune of this: ...
Life Course
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Life changes. Tragedies. Trauma. But, I am still here. Moving forward. The photo in this entry is part of a letter to my family, kind of explaining "who I am" now. Their concern is for my happiness, and I sincerely appreciate that, and their love for me. In recent years of going through illnesses and deaths of those close to me, I have gained a renewed vision of Life. I am more accepting of the unknown in life. I am willing to take the chance at "love": be it simple friendships, or something more. Some say, don't move too fast, take your time. Some say, get out, do all you can. Well, I sort of combine the two. Alone time is important, but also I need the comfort and warmth of others in my life. What is thrown at me now is simply, "added into" the mix. I do not "fret" over trivialities. Don't get angry. Don't worry. I am grateful for time spent with family and "old" friends. I am equally accepting of "new" re...
Get Warm Inside
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It is so cold out today. I'm stayin' inside. Doing some mundane chores. How is your life? Mundane or exciting? Warm or Cold? Humans have the option of staying out in the cold, or warming up inside. I'm talking about a True warm: nice warm feeling you get when you know God loves you. Hanging out with friends (like the birds on this line) can be a fun thing. Or like today with wind chills about 11 degrees... it can be a Cold existence. Do you know if your friends are "warmed" by God? Do they have Him in their life, or do they exist "out in the cold". Don't interpret that I mean a person has to be a religious fanatic.... sometimes I see that as "attention getting" for that person, not for God. I'm talking about a true love of God, a sincere belief in "Life" and this world in which we live by caring for others. Do you show your zest for life? Sure there are many rocks (sometimes boulders) in the road we travel. Get o...
Mirror, mirror
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The hard reality of this building is sort of like life. It is there. Some days sunshine and clouds are reflected, and some days nothing but cold and drizzle turn it into a gray blob. This beautiful mirrored structure withstands it all. Look at yourself. Are you a "mirrored structure" and reflect only the feelings you are surrounded with? Or do you dig deeper and pull yourself up to your highest standards, rising above the drizzle of "ordinary"? Each of us has capabilities we have not yet tapped. We each think, 'well, now, I'm doing pretty good in my situation'. This type of thinking will get you just there: right where you are now, no further. Why not strive to be the best you can be? Don't be a blob. Snap out of your reverie and plunge full ahead in life. If you don't do the driving... life will pass you by quickly and mercilessly.
The "Plug" in Plaid
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Hey all, this is the "Plug", checking in with all my cyber friends. So look, my Auntie Donna got me this warm plaid hooded jacket...with Pockets! (and it came with a treat in the pocket - how cool is that!). I think this is not only a fashion statement, but I know it will come in handy in the rain and snow. (I hate going out in the rain... gets my "tootsies" all wet! But I LOVE snow). I can't wait to show the neighbor dogs. Although I have never actually met them, they do growl and bark at me across the street -- they are So aggressive...but, I kinda like that. Wish their mom would let them come over just once and play. I'd show them who's boss! Oh, better not let my "master" hear me say that, she don't like "aggressive". She's always like, "calm down", "behave" and all that. But, gotta love her, she does feed me well and takes me for rides in the car. I LOVE taking trips, especially when ...
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Here are my thoughts on this photo: if one can sit through a sunrise, and feel the serenity and power, one can make it through any day. do you get up early Just to watch the sun rise in the sky? We only get one chance a day to do this. If I miss sunrise, I try to see the sun setting. Some days clouds prevent the visual, but the "sense" of daybreak is awesome. Try it. It could empower you more than you realize. ~~sherree'~~
Deep Blue
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Deep blue is the main subject of this photo. Yet, one cannot help but notice the tree, 3/4 moon, and vapor trail. These three items add "texture" in my opinion. Thinking of life as the "deep blue"... what sort of texture have you added to your "deep blue". Are you alone, lonely and just an ocean of blue? Or do you have many branches of "texture" in your world. Consider how you spend your time in our deep blue: are you like the branches of the tree, and always reaching out? Stable like the moon, even in its stages of exposure, sometimes full and open, sometimes barely visible. Or are you like that vapor: here one minute, gone the next. Humans have choices. Nature's elements do not. Their "world" has already been set. Take advantage of this gift and make a choice today. Life is for living.
Savor the Memories
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It was unseasonably warm today. 66 degrees for January in Missouri is so wonderful a gift! I checked out the air in tires and oil in vehicles. Took houseplants outside and trimmed dead leaves. I did various other "maintenance" things around the house. While doing these mundane chores, I thought about things for which I am thankful. Although tragedies inundate our lives some times, there are always blessings to be counted. Warm sunshine, warm home, family and friends. Actually so many blessings came to mind that it brought tears to my eyes. We must be thankful for each day. And thankful for those we love and care for, whether they are still in our lives or not... cherish the fact they are in our heart. Yesterday was warm and sunny too. I try to take advantage of these warm spells, because I know it can (and will) change drastically in an instant. The weather is kinda like life that way. A person can be going along, minding their own...
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This 1955 Ford beauty is sitting in the garage, just waiting for Spring to get here. Most classic or antique vehicles stay off the roads in winter. By spring the owners have to do maintenance from them just sitting there. People are very similar to these classic autos. If we sit too much and don't "move on down the road"... we tend to get aches and pains, and things going wrong. So next time you want to be a couch potato, just remember these classics. You don't want YOUR transmission or rear end to be "out of commission" by the time Spring gets here. This weekend is supposed to be fairly mild. Get out. Walk, hike, bike (be sure to bundle up). But Do get OUT! Enjoy yourself. Keep all your "cylinders" well oiled!
Drab Dreary Day = Fun
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Sunday started out in the tank: cold, drizzle, fog. But then I met with a new friend at the St. Louis Art Museum. We spent hours exploring this "art rich" venue. What a great way to spend an otherwise dreary day. Ate lunch in the cafe' there (good salad). When we'd seen all we could, we travelled to the History Museum. Went into the "Mammoths and Mastodons" exhibit. Wow, very cool. I learned alot too. We stayed until they announced "we're closing in 5 minutes"! Thanks to you, Jeff, for a fun day Not in the sun! Ha! Maybe this post will stir up something in you all out there in "cyber-space" to be adventuresome.... look around at the tremendous resources we have in St. Louis and surrounding areas. Maybe the next rainy, cold, yucky day you have off you will say: 'hey, let's go see this Spectacular art museum we have... or History museum' ... after all, it is FREE! Look for other places close to you: Lewis and Clark Conf...
More Than a Hundred. More than a friend.
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I saw this beautiful 100+ year old home in De Soto this week. Just had to get a photo. More than one hundred years. That is twice the time I have been on this earth. My time seems so short, and I am nearing 60! (in a few years) It is amazing to me that this wooden domicile is still so regal and stands looking over a tiny metropolis in our county. Think about it. What has this house "seen"? 100 years ago the streets were mud. No cable TV. No cell phones... uh, no phones at all way out here. "Tuner cars" were not around. Neither were computers, or the internet. However, sitting in my car and studying this gem from the exterior, it seemed in a way, smarter than all of this "new fangled" stuff. Solid. Stationary. That is the feeling that eminates from this Victorian. Love. I see love in the workmanship it took to construct the details. Gratitude. That is what I feel about the fact that the huge tornado that wrecked most of De Soto a few years back, didn'...
Stormy Night
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Well, the Plug wasn't too happy about me carrying her to the basement at 2 a.m. due to tornado warnings. Sleepy-eyed and sneezing, she immediately went back to sleep. Not me. So I got a total of about 2.5 hours sleep. I suppose a nap is in order... but who has time for that? Gotta take care of more things for David and Irene. (shoes for Irene, and phone calls to DFS) (David more paperwork). Umph. Always paperwork. D hated it in real life... now I'm sure he's grunting about me having so much to do. It's ok. I'll get through it, and eventually move on. Yesterday afternoon met Janet and Rich at Maurices (yes, I did buy 3 tops, but I promise to discard/donate at least 5 in place of them!). We enjoyed a short visit and concluded at the Blue Owl Sweet Shop on Festus Main Street. I had a "one scoop" sugar cone. One scoop my foot!!! More like 3 scoops. And Yummy too. I did have Plug in the del Sol, so I saved her some ice cream - she love...
Family and Friends
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Family and friends are such a valuable part of my life. I do not know what I'd do without them. With all the tragedy I've been through in the past few years I would not have the strength without their compassion and love. Your patience, and dedication amaze me. I thank God every day for the wonderful people in my life. Just when I feel down and somewhat "hopeless" someone will call, or come by, or send a letter or card... just at the right time. I know there is a "larger Plan" in this life we live. I have caught a glimpse of the wonder of our universe a couple of times. I have loved, and been loved. I love the joy of living and giving, and cherish many fun memories. I don't know just what my "plan" is at this time, but I am sure I will get the Guidance when I am ready to move down another path. I pray for my family, my friends, and for people I don't even know, because I understand there is a "bigger force" than us humans. There ...
Today is tomorrow's yesterday
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What is today, except tomorrow's yesterday? Well, today is a Gift. Open it, enjoy it, Don't waste it. You will never have another one exactly like it. You have a choice: use today for good... or not use it at all. It's all up to you. Personally I have chosen to begin each day fresh. Like a flower opening up to full bloom. It may take awhile to fully blossom, but I'm willing to be patient, anxious to "get there", but as they say "patience is a virtue". Just who are "they"? I'll never tell. You have 24 hours to fulfill today.... GO!!!