
Showing posts from March, 2012

Serene Morning

This serene scene is from this morning's sunrise over the mighty Mississippi River.  Such power to look so peaceful.... boy... it's mind boggling!  These two Canadian geese were just swimming around like it was a little pond.  They didn't let all the debris from recent rains bother them. There are not only logs, but trees floating down the river.  They dodged a few branches and swam peacefully down the shoreline.  Maybe we should learn from them:  even though there are obstacles, and "logs" in our way.... just move on in an orderly fashion, keep paddling, and eventually everything will work out for the best.     Enjoy today. Tomorrow isn't here yet.

Sunset Emotion

Sunset can evoke many emotions. When trauma and loss have entered your life, sunset often becomes the beginning of a long, emotional night. When a person is happy, and sharing life with another, sunset is a beautiful occasion. But when facing sunset alone, it often brings on panic, and tears. With the next sunset you witness try thinking of others that you know who are facing the sunset and the night alone. Keep them in your prayers. Faith and love will carry you through this tough time. Sunset, darkness and night are only temporary, but can feel like an eternity.  

Sit a Spell

Sitting on a back porch, or a front porch, or any porch at all, and resting your bones, and your brain, can be an exhilarating experience.  When is the last time you just sat.  Sat and thought. Or, sat and didn't think?  Clearing out our gray matter is so important. It allows new material to filter in, new thoughts and ideas.  Try it.  Soon.  You will get a whole other perspective of life.  Hopefully a renewed energy for living.