Savor the Memories

It was unseasonably warm today. 66 degrees for January in Missouri is so wonderful a gift! I checked out the air in tires and oil in vehicles. Took houseplants outside and trimmed dead leaves. I did various other "maintenance" things around the house. While doing these mundane chores, I thought about things for which I am thankful. Although tragedies inundate our lives some times, there are always blessings to be counted. Warm sunshine, warm home, family and friends. Actually so many blessings came to mind that it brought tears to my eyes. We must be thankful for each day. And thankful for those we love and care for, whether they are still in our lives or not... cherish the fact they are in our heart.
Yesterday was warm and sunny too. I try to take advantage of these warm spells, because I know it can (and will) change drastically in an instant. The weather is kinda like life that way. A person can be going along, minding their own business, and BAM, life throws a curve. Sometimes that "curve' is bad, sometimes it is surprisingly good. Seek out those good times, and savor the memories in a "cold spot" in your life. Our memories are abundant. Our days are numbered. Make full use of both.
I like that descriptive word bam. It truly is how life works.