Get Warm Inside

It is so cold out today.

I'm stayin' inside. Doing some mundane chores. 
How is your life?  Mundane or exciting?  Warm or Cold?  Humans have the option of staying out in the cold, or warming up inside.  I'm talking about a True warm:  nice warm feeling you get when you know God loves you.  Hanging out with friends (like the birds on this line) can be a fun thing. Or like today with wind chills about 11 degrees... it can be a Cold existence. Do you know if your friends are "warmed" by God? Do they have Him in their life, or do they exist "out in the cold".  Don't interpret that I mean a person has to be a religious fanatic.... sometimes I see that as "attention getting" for that person, not for God.  I'm talking about a true love of God, a sincere belief in "Life" and this world in which we live by caring for others.  Do you show your zest for life?  Sure there are many rocks (sometimes boulders) in the road we travel.  Get over it, or around it, or whatever it takes to move on.  To live, you must truly LIVE.  
          And, when you have the chance.... pass on your "zest" for life. You just never know how a kind   greeting, a smile, a hug, will help another person have a better day just because you cared. Let them know you care, and God does too.  Blessings to you and those you care about.

                                                               Now go, live Zestfully!


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