The "Plug" in Plaid

Hey all,
this is the "Plug", checking in with all my cyber friends. So look, my Auntie Donna got me this warm plaid hooded jacket...with Pockets! (and it came with a treat in the pocket - how cool is that!). I think this is not only a fashion statement, but I know it will come in handy in the rain and snow. (I hate going out in the rain... gets my "tootsies" all wet! But I LOVE snow). I can't wait to show the neighbor dogs. Although I have never actually met them, they do growl and bark at me across the street -- they are So aggressive...but, I kinda like that. Wish their mom would let them come over just once and play. I'd show them who's boss!
Oh, better not let my "master" hear me say that, she don't like "aggressive". She's always like, "calm down", "behave" and all that. But, gotta love her, she does feed me well and takes me for rides in the car. I LOVE taking trips, especially when "master" piles up some pillows on the seat and I can sit and watch the traffic, and keep watch for other canines. And.... what's the deal with dogs in the Back of a pickup? Isn't that dangerous? Don't their master love them at all??? I barked at one the other day, trying to warn him of the danger, but the "dumb mutt" just kept waggin' his tail like nothin' was wrong! Ok, I know, mind my own "bees-wax".... guess I just worry too much.
Well, it's past my time for another nap. Don't want the human to think I LIKE staying awake all evening, she may come to Expect it! (can't have That happening). .....Ummmm.... I believe I hear the rattle of a "treat" bag... oh, yeah... I'm awake.... here I come! Bye, y'all!!!!!!!!!
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