Happy 60th Anniversary to #419 Boy Scouts and Super Bowl Sunday

Today I had the pleasure of doing photos for the 60th Anniversary for Boy Scout Troop #419, Arnold, Mo.  There were 21 Eagle scouts there, and over 300 people (parents, grandparents, kids) celebrating with a nice banquet.  What a wonderful institution.  So many thoughtful folks helping boys to men - accomplish good with their lives.

I was in Junior Girl Scouts and I just loved it.  I still remember some of the things we were taught: like how to tie knots, make a campfire, and crafts.  Mainly I think we learned to work together. This is so important in life.  Getting along with others, helping fellow man.  If a youngster can learn this early, it becomes a way of life.

We do not know what our future will bring. But if we learn right from wrong, most likely our lives will be filled with happiness and joy, and head in a good direction.  I was blessed with parents that cared to teach me good.  Also I learned from my grandparents.  We went to Sunday School and church regularly… so very important.  I pray that more parents give their children the opportunity to be exposed to the positiveness of religion, and the importance of God in our lives.  He is the omnipotent power in the universe. I feel if we are "right" with Him,  things will work out "right" for us, for we do not know what tomorrow will bring.

Corinthians 2:9 NIV     ~~ However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" - the things God has prepared for those who love him -


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