the screen saver on my laptop varies, sometimes it's a kaleidoscope of colors. Makes me think of a toy Kaleidoscope I had as a kid... I loved to look through it, turn it and every time were different shapes and colors. I also had a metal top with a handle that you pushed so it'd turn faster and faster... I'd stare at it and the bright red, blue, yellow, and clown shapes would make many different shapes and color combinations. Always something new: I was mesmerized every time. I'd carry it to either grandpa and ask them to push the handle (they were strong and could make it go a lot faster than I could)... we'd laugh and giggle till the top would slow down, stop and fall over. Such fun we had.
In thinking of this, it reminds me how much life is like that. The harder you push, the faster you go... go ... go .... go ... until sometimes you just drop and fall over. Most humans are not satisfied with just enjoying "the simple things". We humans push harder and harder to go further and further, and this is good. Mostly. Sometimes though, I think God says: 'hey, I'm in charge here, just slow down, and enjoy what I have created, you humans cannot "top" me. I have my Hand on your world.'
Be thankful, accept challenges with vigor, but never forget: there is someone stronger than you, pushing that handle on the "top" we call Earth. God is in ultimate control, always. Enjoy life. Savor happiness the good Lord has given you. Share His love. Pray for those less fortunate.
God bless.
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