
Showing posts from March, 2020

Be Aware.... Life can change.....

January 2015..... We had our third set of "official" guests from Air B&B.  Two families, 4 adults, 4 kids.  Tom is using to register and find guests for the bed and breakfast at his lovely log home in Imperial, Missouri.  It is close to St. Louis area attractions, yet a quiet and peaceful 7 acres in the country.  20 minutes from most city "hot spots" of activity. Our guests all have had good things to say about Heavenly Oaks, Imperial, Missouri.  They love it and say they will return!  With "Air BnB  cooking breakfast is not usually provided by the hosts (Tom and I), however, Tom leaves some danish, fresh fruit, or some snacks for the guests. Maybe even home made jam if you're lucky!                   FAST FORWARD>>>>>>> well, today is March 5, 2020..... and we no longer have the B&B active.... in February 2017 Tom was injured ...