Dusty Web This tattered, dusty web still hung onto the boat dock. It bounced with every wave, and blew around in the wind. But it still remained tightly attached, reminding me that most people have "dust" and debris in their web of life. We all need to take a close look at ourselves and remove the old things, ideas, thoughts, hatred, denial, or whatever may detract from living a full and prosperous life. Are you truly happy with your situation? Sometimes life throws a curve ball, or two (or a dozen!), but being intelligent humans we are expected to cope, and move on. For some this is possible, for others going forward just isn't in their game plan. Personally I have been through some traumatic times. Even though it seems I will never get to a "normal" life, I keep wiggling my "web" and refashioning it. I never take a day for granted, each sunrise I thank God for my blessings, and ask for strength to get moving and remain grateful. People ...