It's December already!

Just where did this year go? Last week was Thanksgiving, and now it's only a few weeks until Christmas. I think the older I get, the faster.... oh, wait... that was a saying my mom always said... Oh My Gosh... I have indeed become my Mother! Not a bad thing, just something else to ponder. Well, here's a sunrise from yesterday, December 1st... it was beautiful, and yesterday marked 4 years since my husband, David Fite, passed away from leukemia. He is missed. David was so kind and thoughtful. and an inventor too! He was always coming up with innovative ideas. We were together such a short time, but one thing he did: he taught me to Really use my head and think. He said there is 'always a solution'... and you know what? He is right. Get to work on what ever solution you need to be happy in this life, because we never know how many days we have here on Earth. Make each day count. God bless you in this journey and r...